8 Possible Causes For Headlight Flickering and Fixes

Many times while driving on the road at night, your car’s headlights suddenly turn off or the headlights start flickering. Headlight flickering in vehicles is a serious problem and can also cause accidents at night. Through this article, we will learn in detail about the main causes of headlight flickering and how to fix it.

Why Your Headlights Flickering: Causes

Actually, there can be many reasons for your vehicle’s headlight flickering, which should be fixed after investigation. Let’s know all these reasons in detail.

#1. Loose wiring connections

DC current is supplied through wiring to light the bulb or tube in the headlight of vehicles. But sometimes the wiring connections on the headlight become loose. Due to which the bulb or lamp of the headlight does not get enough power supply, causing the headlight to dim or flicker.

The reason for the flickering of headlights in vehicles can also be loose connection of wires and along with this problem, the negative ground connection of the headlight can also be loose or the battery ground joint can be corroded.

#2. Bad Headlight Bulb

It is a common process for the bulbs and lamps used in the headlights of vehicles to become old. The internal parts of old bulbs and lamps start to deteriorate. Due to this, it has a direct effect on the light of the headlight and due to this the headlight starts to dim or flicker.

Headlights can also dim or flicker due to bad bulbs and lamps. Therefore, when the headlight dims or flickers, definitely check the bulbs and lamps.

#3. Bad Headlight Relay

Often a power relay is installed in the headlights of vehicles to provide and control adequate amount of power so that the light coming from the headlight can be brighter. The power relay controls the power supply to the headlight. So that the flow of electricity going to the headlight runs parallel and the wiring can be protected from heating.

But sometimes the headlight power relay gets damaged due to being old or water entering the relay. Due to this, the headlight can turn off or extinguish forever. Due to this, the headlight again starts dimming or flickering due to the power relay getting damaged. Therefore, in case of such a problem, check the power relay.

#4. Bad Headlight Control Assembly

A control switch assembly is fitted near the steering wheel to control every function of the vehicle’s headlight. By which the headlight is turned on or off and the high beam and low beam of the headlight are operated as per the need with the help of this control switch.

But the control switch assembly of the headlight gets damaged with age, due to which the electricity going to the headlight starts getting completely affected and sometimes the headlight turns off forever and sometimes the headlight starts dimming or flickering when this control switch assembly gets damaged. Therefore, in case of such a problem, definitely check the headlight control switch assembly. If it is damaged, get it repaired or get a new one installed.

#5. Bad Alternator

Alternators are used to charge the battery in vehicles. The alternator keeps running continuously as soon as the engine starts. The alternator becomes the output supply of DC current. Due to which the battery gets charged and other electric components of the vehicle get energy.

The headlights and other components of the vehicle are operated by the alternator only. But sometimes the alternator of the vehicle stops working due to some internal fault, which directly affects the charging of the battery and the light of the headlight.

Due to a bad alternator, the headlights may become dim or flicker and driving the vehicle without charging for a long time with a bad alternator can completely drain the battery and the headlights may turn off.

#6. Dying Battery

Usually the life of batteries kept in vehicles is 3-5 years and after this time various types of problems start coming in the battery. Such as quick discharge of the battery, complete exhaustion of the battery and no charging of the battery. The brightness of your vehicle’s headlights depends directly on the battery power.

If your vehicle’s battery is drained or the battery is draining its electrical energy too fast, your vehicle’s headlights become dim or the headlights start flickering. If the battery is completely drained, the headlights may turn off completely.

#7. Heavy Music System

If your vehicle has a heavy music system and you play music at a high volume, the amplifier in the music system draws power directly from the high-current battery.

If the engine is off and you are playing music at a high volume, this heavy music system drains the battery power very fast and your vehicle’s headlights start flickering.

#8. Headlight Bulb Socket Damaged

Sometimes the bulbs and lamp sockets in the headlight get damaged due to ageing or excessive heat. Due to which enough electricity does not flow to the bulb or lamp with a damaged socket. Due to which the headlight becomes dim or the headlight starts flickering and if the bulb or lens socket is badly damaged, the headlight may stop working completely.

How To Fix Headlight Flickering?

To fix headlight flickering, you should first check the reason behind it. After checking these reasons, the problem of flickering headlight can be fixed.

  • First of all, check the battery. If the battery is in a discharged state. Then charge the battery. If the battery is dead, then the only option you have is to replace the battery.
  • Check the wiring harness and fuse. If you find any fault in them, repair the wiring or replace the fuse with a new one.
  • Next, check the headlight bulb socket. If the socket is burnt, replace it with a new one.
  • Check the headlight power relay; if the relay is bad, replace the power relay as well.
  • Replace the bulbs and lamps in the headlight if they are damaged.
  • Check the headlight control switch assembly. If there is any fault in this headlight switch, you should get it repaired or get a new one.
  • Check the alternator charging. Because a bad alternator can also cause headlight flickering.

Note: Often, common causes of headlight flickering are dying battery and wiring issues, which should be checked very carefully. Because connecting the wrong wiring can cause a short circuit and damage the entire wiring. In many cases, it can also damage the ECU. So if you are inexperienced or uncomfortable checking the wiring, you should contact an experienced technician to solve this problem.

How To Prevent Headlight Flickering in The Future?

Although fixing a flickering headlight may temporarily solve the problem, it is important to take preventive measures to avoid future problems. Here are some steps to keep your headlights working smoothly and prevent flickering:

#1. Regular Battery Checks

Batteries are often the root cause of flickering headlights. Over time, batteries lose their functionality, especially if they are not properly maintained. Perform regular voltage checks and make sure the battery terminals are free of corrosion. A weak or old battery can cause inconsistent power flow, causing the lights to flicker.

#2. Inspect and Tighten Electrical Connections

Loose or corroded electrical connections can impede the flow of power to the headlights, causing them to flicker. Regularly inspect wiring, connectors, and grounds to make sure everything is securely fastened. Pay special attention to the wires leading to the headlight bulbs and the alternator.

#3. Upgrade To LED or HID Headlights

If you’re still using traditional halogen bulbs, consider upgrading to LED or HID headlights. These modern lights use less power, generate less heat and are less likely to flicker. Plus, they offer better visibility and last longer.

#4. Maintain The Alternator

The alternator plays a vital role in providing consistent power to your car’s systems. A failed alternator can cause power fluctuations, which can cause headlights to flicker. Have your alternator tested during routine maintenance to catch any problems early.

#5. Use Quality Bulbs and Components

Cheap or low-quality replacement bulbs can often lead to inconsistent performance. Invest in high-quality, reliable bulbs and electrical components to avoid flickering problems caused by inferior products.

#6. Avoid Overloading Your Electrical System

Adding too many aftermarket accessories (such as high-powered audio systems, extra lights, etc.) can overload your car’s electrical system. Make sure the electrical system is able to handle all the components without putting unnecessary strain on it.

#7. Regular Electrical System Inspections

Regular inspections by a professional can help identify potential electrical problems before they cause issues. An expert can check the alternator, battery, wiring, and other major components to make sure everything is in top working order.

FAQ’s For Headlights Flickering

Why do my lights flicker while driving?

The main reasons why headlights flicker while your vehicle is moving can be a bad alternator, loose wiring connections, and faulty power relays.

Can I drive with flickering headlights?

Driving with flickering headlights can also cause serious accidents. Flickering headlights make it difficult to see the road properly at night and can also confuse the other vehicle coming from the front. It has a wrong idea of ​​the position and size of the vehicle.

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