What Is A Transmission in Automobile : Tyeps, Location and Working

what is a transmission

The transmission unit of the vehicle is one of its most important parts; without it, we cannot move the car by giving it engine power. A translation unit is used to move each vehicle. Be it manual transmission or automatic transmission. Through this article, we will get detailed information about the transmission of the vehicle.

What Is A Transmission?

The transmission in a vehicle is a mechanism that is connected to the engine and transmits the engine’s power to the vehicle’s wheels, enabling the vehicle to move.

The primary function of transmissions in vehicles is to provide variable torque and speed ratios between the engine and the wheels, allowing the vehicle to operate efficiently at various speeds and driving conditions, slowing or accelerating the vehicle as required. Generally, transmissions in vehicles are mainly of two types: manual and automatic.

In a manual transmission, the driver selects gears manually using the clutch pedal and gear shifter lever, while an automatic transmission changes gears automatically depending on speed, load, and other factors without driver intervention.

Manual and automatic transmission systems consist of various components such as gears, clutches, torque converters, and fluid systems, which play a vital role in ensuring optimal power delivery and performance.

How Does A Transmission Work ?

Transmission is a bunch of different-sized gear selectors. which the toothed gears determined according to the engine power and speed of the vehicle are connected with the help of nut bolts, and the transmission has a main power shaft, which rotates continuously with the power of the engine through the clutch plate, when the driver operates the gear under the manual transmission.

So the power of the engine goes to the transmission through the clutch plate and according to the gear assigned, the wheels of the vehicle get speed and power. by which the vehicle is moving and through the gear selector, the driver changes the gear based on the situation and speed.

Overall, a car transmission manages the power of the engine and transmits it to the wheels of the vehicle. by which the vehicle’s speed is constrained or reduced and the vehicle is forced to pull the vehicle through the gear prescribed as per the requirement.

Main Types of Transmission

There are two types of main transmissions used in vehicles.

1. Manual Transmission    2. Automatic Transmission

Now we will know about both of these transmissions.

1. Manual Transmission

A manual transmission manages the power of an engine and transmits it to the wheels of the vehicle, which can be increased or decreased with the help of a gear selector according to the speed and requirements of the vehicle. A manual transmission cannot be operated without a clutch plate and pressure plate.

For this, a clutch is used for manual transmissions. In a manual transmission, the speed and power of the vehicle are managed through different-sized gear selectors. For manual transmissions, a clutch is a useful tool for changing gears, stopping and driving a vehicle. Without which the manual transmission cannot work.

Manual Transmission: Older model cars often have these. keeping still while the transmission is in neutral. The cluster gear and primary driving gear continue to rotate inside the transmission case. Pressing the clutch pedal releases the shifter handle. Shifter handles move the forks and shift linkage, as well as slide a gear onto the main shaft. When the gears mesh, the clutch is released.

Constant-Mesh Transmission: Synchronized transmission is the term used to describe these transmission patterns. The main shaft gear, cluster gear, and driving gear are all constantly turning. A sliding gear gearbox is employed to lock the gears into place. When necessary, a dog clutch aids in locking these gears into position.

The main shaft gear and dog clutch gear teeth lock onto each other and hold the gear in place. As the shift linkage moves, this happens. In this gearbox, synchronizers are employed to stop grinding or clashing when changing gears.

Pre-Selector Manual Transmission: A planetary gear system is used in the gearbox to preselect the gear ratio. The steering column’s tiny lever is used. By depressing the foot pedal that signals one of the specified gears, drivers can change gears. As soon as the new gear engaged, the old gear disengaged.

2. Automatic Transmission

Semi Automatic Transmission: In semi transmission only clutch is automatic. But in a semi-automatic transmission, the driver has to shift the gear, and in this type of transmission, the driver does not need to disengage the clutch to shift gears, and semi automatic transmissions use a torque converter and a fluid flywheel, so that this transmission does not require a manual clutch for gear shifting.

Fully Automatic Transmission: In this type of system, the system of gear shift is automatic with a clutch. The gears keep shifting automatically according to the speed of the vehicle. In such transmission system or AP cyclic planetary type gear box is used. This type of transmission does not require a clutch or a change of gears.

Transmission Location

Both types of transmissions are connected to the vehicle’s engine. Be it manual transmission or automatic transmission, Only the clutch plate and pressure plate are installed between the manual transmission and the engine, which transmit the engine power to the transmission. The torque converter plays the main role in the transmission.

Difference Between Manual & Automatic Transmission

Vehicles have two types of gear-shifting systems: manual and automatic transmissions. Manual transmissions, often referred to as “gear shifters,” require the driver to manually engage and disengage gears using the clutch pedal and gear stick. The driver has to coordinate the operation of the clutch with the accelerator and brake pedals to change gears.

In contrast, an automatic transmission changes gears automatically based on engine speed, vehicle speed, and other factors, eliminating the need for gear changes like a manual transmission. The automatic transmission system provides convenience, especially in stop-and-go traffic, making driving easier for the driver in heavy traffic conditions.


Q. What are the main components of manual and automatic transmissions?

In an automatic transmission, essential components include a torque converter, planetary gear set, hydraulic system, and a set of bands. In contrast, a manual transmission features a clutch pedal, clutch disc, pressure plate, and flywheel, which enable the driver to manually engage and disengage gears.

Q. How do I know if my vehicle’s transmission has failed?

A failing transmission can exhibit several symptoms that can help you determine if there is a problem with the vehicle’s transmission, such as slipping gears, delayed or rough shifting, unresponsive gears, unusual noises such as grinding or whining, and transmission fluid. Leaking substance, burning smell, or dashboard warning light.

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